Monday 17 February 2014

Secret Weapon Against Stress and Pain


You must have tried variant things to elimenate Stress and Pain. Some might had recieved furitfull results others a trifle success. Here could be a pattern which may be tremed as a Secret Weapon Against Stress and Pain

Here is what to try to to once in Stress or Pain

closed your eyes and count slowly to 6 as you inhale, currently count to 6 you exhale. Assuming each number was a second apart, this pattern translated into five breaths a minute (12 seconds per breath x 5 = 60).

After a couple of minutes of this, the magic will begin.

stress levels can ease. during a few of minutes, you can naturally begin reckoning to eight or maybe 9 on every inhale and exhale. 

This is the Deep Six respiration. It works after you area unit stressed, or in pain, or able to chew someone's head off. Why? as a result of after you slow your respiration, you create it nearly not possible to be stressed, anxious or upset.

There are many reasons  for it

You don't have to close your eyes, lie down, change your clothes, or empty your mind to do it.
You can do it in a meeting or while taking a walk.
You can do it while watching TV or lying in bed.
You can do it without almost anyone noticing, except for the perceptive types who pick up on the fact that you have relaxed significantly.

It is surprisingly straightforward

Count slowly to at least six on each inhale and exhale.
Keep your in and out breathing the same length.
That's it. You don't have to empty your mind, picture yourself in a beautiful setting, or chant. Your goal isn't to reach nirvana, it's simply to slow down your breathing; your body will do the rest.

You should do it until you feel better and you can pull yourself away from that feeling. 

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