Wednesday 18 June 2014

Need to manage stress at work here are some Tips

If you’re among the one-third of  employees who drag themselves to a stressful work environment every day, take heart.

There are ways to help you deal with your chronic situation. Here are some effective methods

1.Balance your thoughts.
Remember that stress is not something that happens to you — it’s a reaction to what’s happening around you.Stress is a chemical response to thoughts or ideas we hold in our minds.Balancing our negative, unhappy thoughts about workplace troubles with happier thoughts is a good start.

We would like to recommends that you make a list of the things you like about your job, such as your paycheck, your boss or the sense of accomplishment you feel when you’ve completed an important project. Add good things to the list, particularly when you’re feeling unhappy.

2.Eat well, sleep enough and exercise.
A poor diet, lack of sleep and no exercise exacerbate stress
Processed foods certainly make you feel good while you’re eating them, and many of us head for them as comfort.But in the long run, they’re not helping us because refined sugars and starches cause blood sugar to spike and then crash,” which can leave you feeling sluggish.

A well-nourished body is better equipped to take on challenges, including workplace stress, she adds. Fruits and vegetables, and fare rich in omega-3 fatty acids, like wild rice and salmon, are absorbed more slowly and provide a steady supply of energy, which can help you handle stressful situations more easily.

Eight hours of sleep restores energy levels, and the more energy you have.the better position you’ll be in to cope with irritations on the job.

3. Set boundaries for yourself.
Workplace stress often is brought on not by a mean boss or a nasty co-worker, but by the tendency to over commit.If possible, determine with your boss and teammates a feasible workload, and then stick to it, she advises. Teach yourself to say “no” to additional projects once your schedule is full. Suggest to your boss that added work could negatively affect the quality of the work already on your plate.

4.Address personality clashes early.
“No one gets along with everyone all the time If you have a problem with a colleague or your boss, consider requesting a [meeting] before things escalate.making a mental list of what’s bothering you and figuring out some possible solutions for mending the relationship before the meeting. Ask questions rather than place blame.

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