Friday 8 August 2014

Simple presentation suggestions

In this post , I summarized 4 simple presentation suggestions I recognized and learned from watching precisely how these leaders engaged my attention during the course of their presentations . 

Presentation Skills Tip #1 : Generate engaging participation 
There is certainly nothing more engaging to viewers than when you , because a presenter , ask the audience to individual in the presentation . This can be achieved by asking an easy question for the target audience to volunteer to answer . This can also be achieved by asking a series of multi-choice questions , exactly where each can be voted by the audience anonymously by means of text and the results shown real time throughout the presentation . This latter one is easily possible complete with the latest technologies like Poll Everywhere . Research has shown your audience will certainly remember less than 30 percent of the phrases they hear during your own presentation . However they will remember more than 85 percent of the queries you ask . 

Presentation Skills Tip #2 : Discuss less on paper 
Quite often , we attend company display and see slides full of words , charts , and figures . Would you remember any of it ? I don’t . It’s just too too much to handle and frankly impossible to maintain . What works much better are slides that have less phrases and more punch . I have observed two extreme examples of this . 

One term transition slides : One of the senior management employee in our department presented her condensed version with these one word transition slides on Change , Trends , Future , and also Gratitude . I may well not have remembered everything she said , however she kept my attention simply because she simplified the frame of her display to these four words . 

Presentation Skills Tip #3 : Provide fascinating facts to support your own point 
Certainly one of the objectives of any presentation would be to teach the audience something else or share a new perspective . This will leave the target audience feeling smarter so they will also form a positive appearance of the presenter . During one appearance , the CEO of our guide vendor shared some fascinating facts to make his point . 

Lower than 50% of the Fortune 500 businesses in 1999 are still considered Fortune 500 companies today . Nokia for instance was a $150B company in 2007 and is now just worth $7B . 
At one point , Blackberry owned 40% of the mobile market . Right now they only own 3% . 
What was his point ? It is possible to probably guess . The industry is continually changing and evolving . Consumers always demand more and better technology and also service . If companies don’t develop with the trends , even the biggest companies may become obsolete in less than 5-10 years . Although many people may agree with all these points anyways , sharing all these facts added punch to his presentation as well as made it educational and also memorable . Exactly what this means for you as a presenter is utilize external research to support your statements . You will discover both smart and fascinating to your audience . 

Presentation Tips #4 : Be thankful 
Probably the most common elements I observed in these leadership presentations was the design of gratitude . As a leader , it is not only our jobs to really encourage performance and also create vision , but also to be grateful of the efforts our teams made to attain the results . At these town hall meetings hosted by senior leaders , they all ended their presentations with a message of thankfulness . It left me an impression of their humbleness since leaders . I also felt appreciated since an employee , energized to do more . 

You don’t need to be a senior leader to include this in your presentation . Part of thankfulness is all about sharing the credit rating of your work and also achievement . By adding thanks , you can be showing appreciation for others who created a contribution to your work . At the same time , you can be showing that you have leadership potential . 

Develping your current presentation skills is a journey . I am still learning after fifteen years of doing it . Now I am always on the look out for new presentation suggestions to try . These four stuck within my head in the last few months . I already included these presentation tips in my own work with certain success . You can do the exact same and see how they work for you . 

I look forward to your own comments as well as the feedback .

So , by no means overlook these two qualities .
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