Monday 4 August 2014

Things to do when you hate your job but cannot quit

It happens to the ideal of us -- being trapped in a job we dislike and being not able to quit . Sometimes it's simply because the job pays a large amount of money . Occasionally it's the upheavals in your personal lifestyle that you actually desire the stability your mundane job offers . Frequently it is the house mortgage that will keep you tied up . 

But then there are times when it's simply the economy , which is doing this bad that you know you are better off with this particular job than going back into the job market . 

1 . Find out what will it be that you really hate about your job 

Chances are high you'll say 'everything' . 

But check out the situation objectively and you will take into account that not everything about your job is really as bad as you may have made it out in your head . 

Write them out and try to work your way around them . 

Let's say you don't like the user profile you've been handed or you believe your boss is out to get you . 

Set up a meeting with your trusty boss and understand why you've been passed on the job you're doing -- remember , there are constantly two sides to the coin -- and explain to him or her just how you can contribute better to the organisation . 

The more important is , don't expect a change immediately . 

2 . Search for the positives 

As I have said earlier , not everything about your job can be bad . 

There are actually bound to be positives ( apart from the fact that it places meals on your table every day ) . 

For example , your colleagues with which you spend the maximum amount of time , may be a particularly jolly lot . 
As opposed to moping about how horrible your job is , learn to take pleasure in the pleasure of your colleagues' company .

As in lifestyle , focus on the positives . 

3 . Don't let your own employer chose your career path 

Be aware of , your employer has retained you because they really feel you will contribute some thing fruitful to the company . And you should ! 

Nevertheless don't let your employer decide what you should be carrying out with your career . 

The path of you as well as your company may be different and it is ok . 

Give up to some of your employers' demands -- be aware of they are paying you -- but also keep some of your own wishes as to what you want to be seen doing non-negotiable . 

Else , you will find yourself drifting along a path that might work for someone else but not you . 

4 . Volunteer 

Simply because you're stuck in a job you don't like doesn't mean you need to give up all hopes . 

Make the most of the time in the organisation . 

If there are campaigns that are of interest to you , charitable to be part of them . 

Provide you with are interested in going beyond your current role . 

This will help you justify your stay in the organisation at your following job interview . 

It might additionally help you get that marketing you were eyeing . 

5 . Know that discontinuing cannot solve your complications 

Quitting your work in the hope that the next one will be much better is the silliest reason to put in your papers . 

An effective career , like a successful relationship , requires work . 

So chip at it ; work on creating your job as enjoyable as possible .

6 . Seize a few days off 

Being in an unfulfilling responsibility can be pretty distressing . 

However it also comes with its perks -- departs and vacations ! 

Take a few days off each and every few weeks ; go on a vacation whenever feasible afford it ; ensure you get your 'me-time' on the weekends . 

7 . Take up a hobby 

Speaking about me-time , pursue a hobby -- learn the guitar , a brand new language , hit the gym , take up a new sport… anything that could keep your mind away from the job you hate so much . 

8 . Always keep looking 

If you've attained this far , evidently your heart isn't in your job . 

So , here's the concluding piece of advice -- don't stop looking for new possibilities . 

Put your CV out there ; allow the relevant people know you are searching for a change . 

A new responsibility may not necessarily show up along as quickly as you hope to but it will . 

So don't give up hope ! Keep looking . 

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